5.1 False Positives and Negatives

From Sense & Sensibility & Science
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How confident should we be about an apparent signal before we make decisions based upon it? What if we are wrong? These are questions faced by every medical patient, police officer, and president. The answer depends not only on the facts about the signal, but also on the perceived severity of the outcome in the event of an error—a signal falsely identified or inadvertently missed.

The Lesson in Context

This lesson gives students hands-on examples of false positives and negatives through a Jupyter notebook, in which they are asked to make moral judgments on the threshold for a positive test result based on the consequences of a false positive or negative.


After this lesson, students should

  1. Understand that there is always the inevitability of a trade-off—for a given test, one can reduce the risk of false positives by increasing the risk of false negatives, and vice versa. You make this trade-off when you determine what the threshold is (e.g. convict someone if you're 99% or 70% certain that they're guilty).
  2. Understand that whether false positive or negative is preferable depends on a human values judgement on the consequences of either: (e.g. "innocent people shouldn't be in jail") and risks (e.g. dangerous people committing more crimes).
  3. (Data science) Recognise that maximising the overall accuracy of a classification problem may sometimes be undesirable.
  4. (Data science) Identify where a subtle classification problem may be hidden in a machine learning application.

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